Quality Policy & Objectives

Quality Policy

We at Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies are committed to provide the quality education in the field of Management, Computer Applications, Information Technology, Modern Office Management and Skill Development through Vocational Programmes to attain total customer satisfaction.

We shall achieve this through

  • Adoption of constructive mechanism for building strong academic team and Industry-Institute Interface.
  • Periodic monitoring and assessment of our services and continual improvement of performance of our facilities, personnel, processes and systems of our Institute.
  • Adhering to the applicable Statutory & Regulatory Requirements.

Quality Objectives

   S. No Quality Objectives Key Performance Indicator
   1 To improve service delivery by 3% every year To achieve at least 80% of adherence to scheduled / planned activities as per the academic calendar and time-tables
   2 To improve success rate of students by 3% every year % improvement in success rate of students over preceding year
   3 To improve Career Placement of Students by 3% every year % improvement in placement over preceding year

% improvement in attracting more number of business / industry and other organizations over preceding year

   4 To establish, maintain and improve infrastructure of Institute and improve quality of services To achieve and sustain 100% availability of sanctioned strength of staff at all levels

addition of new facilities / equipment

% reduction in customer complaints

% improvement in customer satisfaction

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