Prof. Girish Sharma

Prof. Girish Sharma
Principal, Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies

Director's/Principal’s Desk

Prof.(Dr.) Girish Kumar Sharma is working as Director/Principal in the Shakarpur Campus of DSEU. He has around 25 years of teaching and research experience. His research interests includes Distributed Operating Systems, Discrete Mathematical Structures, Data Mining and Algorithm Design. He has Guided 07 Ph.D. and many Master’s Thesis.
He has been awarded with the Higher Education Commission Scholarship for standing at second Position in B.Sc. in Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar. He had represented the university in Inter-varsity tournaments in Hockey and Kabaddi etc. He is holding the ’C’ certificate of NCC of Army wing with grading ‘B’.

He is the Life time member of ISTE ( Indian Society Of Technical Education) and CSI ( Computer Society Of India)
  • Supervising the admission process in Diploma Programs since last three years in coordination with NIC.
  • Got done the Accreditation of the Institute & Completed process for International Accreditation of the Institute by APACC – Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission
  • Got Done the ISO 9001:2015 and completed certification process for Institute with STQC
  • Has been involved in teaching to MCA, and other courses including Cisco program.
  • Guided the MCA students in their projects.

Courses Taught

  • Data Mining and Warehousing
  • Cryptographic Algorithms
  • Compiler Design, OOPS, Software Engg., Computer Networks, Advanced Computer Networks, C Programming, Pascal Programming, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Computer Science, System Analysis, Operating Systems Programming, Data & File Structure, Cyber Security & Cyber Law etc.
  • Database Management System, Introduction to Computers etc.

Research & Publications

List of Papers published in Conferences ( National And International)
  1. Baijnath Kaushik, Girish Sharma, C.S. Rai, "Estimation of Reliability in Computer Communication Networking Using Artificial Neural Network", Proceedings of the National Conference on Advancement of Technologies Focus Soft Computing, held at GLA Mathura, Uttar Pradesh on January 24-25, 2009, pp. 150-158.
  2. Girish Sharma, J.R. Bhowate, "The Vision of Autonomic Computing", Proceedings of the National Conference on Advancement of Technologies Focus Soft Computing, held at GLA Mathura, Uttar Pradesh on January 24-25, 2009, pp. 1-8.
  3. Manoj Chaubey, A.S. Jalal, Girish Sharma, "A Reduced Time Complexity Technique for Finding Frequent Item Sets", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Data Management, held at IMT Ghaziabad on February 10-11, 2009, pp. 258-264.
  4. Manoj Singhal, R.K. Chauhan, Girish Sharma, "Modified Binary Decision Diagrams based Reliability Computation of a Directed Computer Communication Network with All Existing Variable Ordering", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing and Communication Technologies, October 2010.
  5. Kaushal Mehta, Sikandar, Girish Sharma, "Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography", Proceedings of the AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Mechatronics, and Communication (RTCMC-2012), held at Hisar on February 25-26, 2012.
  6. Kaushal Mehta, Sikandar, Girish Sharma, "Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using Discrete Algorithm", Proceedings of the International Conference on Sports Biomechanics, Emerging Technologies, and Quality Assurance in Technical Education, held at Hisar on March 17-18, 2012.
  7. Kaushal Mehta, Deepak Sharma, Girish Sharma, "Impact of Green IT Initiatives on Global Warming Disquiet", Proceedings of the AICTE Sponsored National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, held at PPIMT, Hisar on June 4-6, 2012.
  8. Kaushal Mehta, Nilesh, Girish Sharma, "Analysis and Design in K-means and K-mediod Clustering Algorithms", Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolution in Science and Technology & Eyne on Educational Methodologies (ESTEEM-2013), held at Prannath Parnami Institute Hisar on March 03-04, 2013.
List of Papers Published in Journals (National)
  1. Prabhakar Pradhan, Girish Sharma “Some Queueing Theoretic Solution Methods For Parallel and Distributed Systems”, Published in ACTA Cineca INDICA, Vol.XXXI M, and No. 3,911 (2005) pp-911-916.
  2. Aarti Singh, Girish Sharma “A Brief Survey Of Network Security & Intrusion Detection System”, Published in ACTA Cineca Indica, Vol.XXXIV, NO.3,pp-1175-1186 (2008).
  3. Aarti Singh, Girish Sharma “A Detailed Analysis of Some Intrusion Detection System”, Published in MERI- Journal of Management and IT, Voll.2 No.1 pp(93-101) 2008.
  4. Manoj Singhal, R.K. Chauhan, Girish Sharma “Use Of Modified Binary Decision Diagram In Reliability Evaluation Of A Directed Computer Communication Network”, Published in ICFAI University Journal Of Computer Science, Vol – III, No- 3, July 2009, pp-22-30
  5. S.K. Singh, Girish Sharma “An Heuristic modified algorithm for task allocation”, Published in ACCST research journal, Vol.VI, No.3, July 2008.
List Of Papers Published in Journals (International)
  1. Aarti Singh, Girish Sharma, "Intrusion Detection Using Neural Networks Techniques", Published in International Journal of Hybrid Computational Intelligence, Vol- I, No- 2, July – Dec 2008, pp- 181-189.
  2. J.R. Bhowate, Girish Sharma, "VNC: A New Paradigm In Remote Execution", Published in the International Journal of Hybrid Computational Intelligence,Vol- I, No-2, july-December 2008, pp 171-179.
  3. Manoj Singhal, R.K. Chauhan, Girish Sharma, "A New optimal approach for evaluating the size of BDD for calculating the reliability of a CCN", Published in International journal of Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA), Vol :1,issue:04, Pp:230-235 (2010).
  4. Manoj Singhal, R.K.Chauhan, Girish Sharma, "Computing network reliability with imperfect nodes using Modified BDD", Published in International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology,Vol.3,Issue 2,pp-606-614,May 2012.
  5. Manoj Singhal, R.K. Chauhan, Girish Sharma, "Network Reliability Computation using different Binary Decision Diagrams", Published in International Journals of Distributed and Parallel Systems Vol.1, No.1,pp-82-91,September 2010.
  6. Manoj Singhal, R.K. Chauhan, Girish Sharma, "A New approach for finding the various optimal variable to generate the BDD of a Computer Communication Networks", Published in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) Vol.31- No.3.October 2011.
  7. Sandeep mathur, Girish Sharma, A.K. Soni, "Requirement Elicitation Technique for Data Warehouses Review Paper", Published in International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering, Pp. 456-459,Vol.2, Issue 12, December 2012.
  8. Sandeep mathur, Girish Sharma, A.K. Soni, "Modelling of Requirement Elicitation for the complete Banking System Using Agent Goal Decision Information Approach", Published in International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, p490-495,Vol. 4, Issue 2, April-June 2013.
  9. Amit Kumar Goyal, Girish Kumar Sharma, "Parameters Based Comparison Between Methodologies for Designing The Data Warehouses: A Survey" published in Review of Business Technology and research, Vol.5, no.1, 2012, pp.288-291.
  10. Sandeep mathur, Girish Sharma, A.K. Soni, "An Agent Oriented Approach of Requirement Engineering in Developing a Data Ware Houses For Banking System", Published in International Journal of Computer Applications, pp 20–25, Vol.70 No.16, May 2013.
  11. Sandeep mathur, A.K. Soni, Girish Sharma, "A New Hybrid Model of Requirement Engineering for a Non-Fading Data Warehouse with Evaluation", Published in International Journal of Data Mining and emerging Technologies, pp 59-68, Vol.3 No.3, November 2013.
  12. Sandeep mathur, A.K. Soni, Girish Sharma, "Optimization of Requirement Elicitation Process for Data Warehousing: A Review", Published in International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering, pp 224-228, Vol.4, Issue 4, April 2014.
Chapters contributed to edited volume/books published by International Publishers
  1. Manoj Singhal, R.K. Chauhan, Girish Sharma,” An Alternate approach to compute the reliability of a computer communication network using Binary Decision Diagrams “, Published in Communication in Computer and Information Sciences, pp-160-170, IC3-2010,Springer-Verleg Berlin Heidelberg 2010.

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