Anti Ragging Committee

In compliance with Advisory under Clause 3(ii)(d) of Statute 24 of Guru Govind Singh Indra Prastha University and the directions under Hon’ble High Court dated 17-05-2019 in WP(Crl.)793/2017 read with Circular No. GGSIPU/2017-18/Legal/1039, dated 18-07-2017 and 23-05-2019 issued by Guru Govind Indra Prastha University [GGSIPU], the Students’ Grievances Redressal Committee is hereby constituted at this Institute’s level comprising the following officers, with immediate effect:

Committee Students’ Grievance Redressal

S. No. Name of the officer Designation
1. Prof. Dr. Girish Kumar Sharma Chairman/ Principal
2. Dr. S.N. Mishra Lecturer[SG]/Member-Secretary
3. Shri Kaushal Mehta In-Charge-MCA/Member
4. Shri S.Thiyagarajan In-Charge-MBA/Member
5. Mrs. Harvinder Kaur In-Charge-BBA/Member
6. Shri S.P.Ajith Kumar In-Charge-B.Voc./Member
7. Shri Ashok Kumar In-Charge-MOP[E/H]/Member
8. Miss Muskan Aggarwal Students’ Representative MBA
9. Miss Princy Students’ Representative MCA
10. Miss Sujata Tanwar Students’ Representative BBA
11. Mr. Priyanshu Aggarwal Students’ Representative B.Voc.

The above said Students’ Grievances Redressal Committee shall strictly adhere to all the points/directions enshrined in the said GGSIPU’s Circulars dated 18-07-2017 and 23-05-2019 respectively and necessary Compllance Report/Action Taken Report [ATR] in this regard shall be submitted to the undersigned periodically, without fall, for onward transmission to GGSIPU.

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